Sunday, March 27, 2011

What a Great Group of Folks...

Today about 100 people volunteered with Fish and Game to come and plant bitterbrush seedlings on our property. It was impressive! Mary Dudley, the volunteer coordinator, had originally told us that they would want to eat about 1pm (we cooked them all lunch). As it turned out, they had so many volunteers that they were completely done planting the 3,500 seedlings by 10:30.

We bought 5 large hackberry trees (the birds love them) and they got those planted as well.

So, Ival got on the pig cooker and fixed them all lunch.

There was even a guy teaching people how to use this wind parachute after all the work was done. Cool!

Joe and Rick used a surveyor thingey and all of Ival's buddies helped and they got all the fence posts set for the hot wire.  We'll only have the hot wire turned on the two weeks of the year when the cows come through.  After all, we want the deer and other critters to feel free to use our place.

Wow, what a productive and wonderful day. Thanks everyone, for your help.  You worked your butts off and you have no idea how much we appreciate it!


Dee said...

WOW that is impressive ! All those vehicles, all those people ! And all the planting accomplished ! How great is that. It even looks as if they all had fun. And a nice lunch. yeaaaa

jaci said...

I love stories of how people take a place and create a wildlife habitat out of it by restoring it. You guys are my heroes. And so are all those volunteers. Yay Idaho Fish & Game! :)

kate said...

That's just so incredible that that many people came out to help! Love it.

I want to know more about that wind parachute!

Park said...

so cool!!!!

Abbie said...

glad you had such a great turn out. Sorry we weren't there to help.