Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why I Don't Drink Wine...

Last night I had 2 glasses of wine with a friend.  As I was leaving out her front door I forgot about the step down.  I ALMOST busted my ass.  When I got home, I realized I had left my cell phone in the car and with Jacki ready to have her baby any day, I wanted my phone in the house.  I walked out to the truck and retrieved it and started walking up the sidewalk.  I opened my phone to see if anyone had called and walked into the first step - thinking I was further away from it.  I stubbed my toe and pitched forward scraping a trench out of my middle finger from the fingernail up to about a 1/4 inch up my finger. 

Lucky me, it was on my bad arm.  Hopefully I won't get the flesh eating bacteria but at least if I do, it's on the arm I'm not fond of anyway.

Both mishaps, I thought of my 2 wonderful sisters and was happy they weren't  wished they had been here to see it.


kate said...

HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Oh man. WHY isn't there video footage of this?! Life is so unfair.

Jodi said...

I know, just like you and the parked car, we just have to visualize it.

Dee said...

and we easily can. What WOULD you do without your sympathetic sisters? No one , but no one can commiserate quite like them.

JACKI said...

well I'm proud of you for drinking some wine! LOL!

Kev said...

I put something on FB that you might enjoy Jodi..in honor of this blog. Enjoy!