Well, it didn't take as long as I thought it would but I'm disillusioned with The Donald. He's done several interviews lately about his theory on gas prices and how to recoup the 7.2 trillion dollars we've spent in Iraq. When you figure wages and all the costs associated with having our military there, I think it would take - FORFREAKINGEVER, Donald! I find his ideas on "stealing" oil fields from Iraq and other oil rich countries just comical. How many other countries will we have to take over because we've helped them out and need to recoup or losses to them? Will this mean we need to go back to Cuba and take over the tobacco fields until we've satisfied the funds we spent there? What about Haiti? They have nothing for us to "steal." Does he really think interviews like this will win him votes? But, the polls show him leading all Republican candidates - will it last?
Oh Donald...
To the victor goes the spoils - Go USA!
Whew! ;)
I saw an interview with him last week where, when asked why he doesn't just come out and officially announce that he's running for President, his reply? "Look, as soon as I announce that I'm running, I can't do my show anymore. And I gotta tell ya, it's got the highest ratings we've ever had right now."
To me that says everything I need to know about The Donald: that what matters to him is his ratings and his own personal wealth.
And also, (same interview) when asked about his foreign policy experience, he said "Well, I rented a house to Qaddafi once, charged him three times the going rate and then I didn't let him move in!"
Um, yeah.
I think poor Donald is shooting himself in the foot every time he opens his mouth. I thought we might have a smart business man , but ------sigh,------ he aint' the one !
I agree. I thought maybe his business sense would bring some stability to our sorry state of affairs, but the more he talks, the more he screws himself.
As Kate said, Next!
So who do we have out there that's going to be worth a shit? It's depressing.
Interesting article:
I didn't know he was against gay marriage. Sort of ironic for a man who's been married HOW many times?!
Good article! I was all for the stupid sucker until he opened his mouth. He should know by now that in order to run for President, you have to promise all kinds of wonderful things you know you'll never accomplish and then hope nobody catches on to you before the election. Hmph!
Today, Gary Busey just endorsed The Donald for President - and if you've watched the Celebrity Apprentice this year, you know that's not a good thing...
Oh my god, I saw that Gary Busey endorsement. Dude has done waaaay too many drugs.
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