Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lighting Purchase is Finally DONE!

Of everything I've picked for the house, the lighting has been the hardest.  It's all so incredibly generic, unless of course you have unlimited funds.  I went and picked out the ceiling fans this morning thanks to Linda and Nancy who helped me make the final decisions, otherwise, I'm sure I'd still be there - staring at the ceiling of never-ending blades rotating in different directions, making me dizzy with indecision.  So, I was finished other than finding SOMETHING - ANYTHING to put out on the porch.  We had found some really neat lights that looked like old lanterns on a website, but they were over $300 each so decided we probably shouldn't do that.

Then I decided today to do a search for 'electrified lanterns' and found the most awesome website.  W.T. Kirkman Lanterns, Inc. has some really fun stuff.  I got two of these 20" ACTUAL lanterns that have been converted to electric for only $320.  It would have been that much for the generic porch lights at Home Depot.  Their prices are incredibly reasonable.  I feel pretty happy - and relieved!

I may have to eventually order a couple of their table lamps too.


Anonyvox said...

Those are exceptionally groovy!

kate said...

Cool! Those are great and will be perfect for the porch!

Jodi said...

They remind me so much of growing up in GV and all the times I watched dad light one just like it when the power went out - which was fairly often. I'll probably smile every time I look at them.

Kev said...

Way cool!

Dee said...

To have them remind you of a happy memory is a huge plus, to being absolutely perfect for your house.