Monday, December 9, 2013


I took Grace horseback riding in Garden Valley for her birthday.  She (and all my grandkids) love horses.  As we drove to Garden Valley, Grace reminded me of the horse she had ridden the year before and hoped she would be riding him again on this trip.  Unfortunately, she had a different horse and Moose was back in the pasture.

Mary Jo, the owner of Garden Valley Trail Rides told us that Moose would soon be retiring as he was getting too old for the daily, long, rides that a commercial trail ride horse is used to.  I told her we might be interested in purchasing him if that happened.

So, a few days ago Mary Jo posted on Facebook that Moose was for sale.  I got ahold of her and we discussed some details.  I think Moose is going to come and live with us and be a great horse for all the grandkids!  He's the brown one...

We have to get a shelter built and have asked Mary Jo if she can keep him until that happens.  If so, it looks like Moose will be ours!  I think our friend Rob is going to let us keep his two horses here as well so we may end up with 3 great horses for the kids (and me!) to ride.  I'm really looking forward to knowing that the grandkids will soon be able to experience the love and enjoyment of having horses like I did.

Now I have to start watching Craigslist for tack!


Anonyvox said...

Oh wow, that is exciting! Have you told Grace yet?

Dee said...

OMGosh, that is such good news. Moose looks like a sweetie and will be a perfect addition to your "family".
Yes, nobody tell Grace till Jodi says---about Christmas time.

kate said...

Yay!!! That's awesome! Grace will be SOOOOO excited.

Jodi said...

Well, he'll be for all the grandkids, but he'll be just a little bit special to Grace because he will always be her first horseback ride. Can't wait!