Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Mother's Love...

Today my daughter posted something wonderful on my Facebook page about how much she loves me and how happy she is that we're "best friends."  I think often about how much I love my kids and how grateful I am that they turned out to be such wonderful adults.

But her post reminded me how important a mother is in the lives of her children.  I feel the same way about my mother.  She raised us to be kind and compassionate - and she modeled that behavior for us.  To say something is one thing, but to live it is another.

Mom, I hope you know how grateful I am that you're my mom and that you took the time to show us how to be caring, generous, and honorable as adults.

To my daughter Jacki, thank you for reminding me how lucky I am and for allowing me to watch as you raise your kids to be very special in their own ways.  You are a wonderful example of a mother and you make me proud.


kate said...

Beautiful, sister. Your kids love and admire you because they know you have always supported them in every way, and that you would lay down in front of a train to protect them. They have your back because you've always had theirs. Same with us and our mudder.

Jodi said...

Absolutely true, our mom is one of a kind. Jacki's post really hit me, made me remember that even though you know someone loves you, it's just awesome to have them remind you when you least expect it.

Dee said...

Kate is so right in her comment about you, Jodi, as a Mother. Your kids know you are there for them and your love ALWAYS surrounds them protectively.

Thank you both for the sweet, kind words. It was unexpected and oh so nice.

JACKI said...

awww... I don't know how I missed this blog post! Thanks YOU, mom, for showing me the way to love my kids. Love you so very much! :o)