In our family, you don't dare "admire" something and then pass that information along to anyone else in the family. You see, in our family, if you love it, you need one of everything we can find that may resemble the ONE item you love. My sister Linda posted a cute little owl gizmo on her blog (Hooty Hoot) that she admires. So I got to thinking about how Christmas is coming up, OH and her birthday, and well, I got online and started doing some shopping.
I've never seen one quite like this, seems to be made of some kind of fabric...

And if you love something, I know someone, somewhere, has made it out of seashells. We're famous for buying lovely things made out of seashells...

Maybe she needs TWO made out of seashells...

I can't decide which of these I think she'd love the most. You're thoughts?

Look at this, I even found clothes!

I hope she doesn't read this post, it'll sure ruin the surprise!
My sister-in-law once mentioned she likes frogs, and for a few years afterwards, was swarmed with frog gifts
Whoa! INTRUDER, INTRUDER, INTRUDER!! Who is that? Do we know him and is he prepared for our smart-assery? Hi Kameron.
Anyway, Lala definately needs that owl, um, jumper thing. She can wear it on her first dates to see how well the guy can handle public humiliation.
And the seashell owls, well, that's just a no-brainer. Don't they have any playing the banjo though?
Yea, Kameron, (and no Kate, I don't know him but hey, we have a new friend!) our family is ALL about tacky!
Unfortunately, I haven't yet found the banjo owl, but I'm still looking!
Kate, do you think you could make that, um, jumper thing? It's from a line called NY Couture and that sucker's expensive! If you can make the jumper, I'll get right on the macrame' owl...
I was killing time, uh, working really hard. At work. And I stumbled across your blog.
Thought I'd disabled the alarm system, too...
And incidentally, I'm majoring in Smartassery, but my counselor suggested a minor in Tomfoolery to stay well rounded.
Ha! I hope you come back often. Your comments seem to fit right in! I don't know how you find the time for both smartassery AND tomfoolery, I'm terribly impressed! You must have a job much like my sister Kate's.
Hi Kameron, welcome. I'm their Mom, and they got a bit of their smartassery from me, though I have mellowed a great deal, and now am damned dignified.
The owls are great, and though it WILL spoil the surprise, I know she'll be pleased that you are spending the time searching for something she cares about so much.
Nooooo!!! Aaahhhhhh!!! I was just kidding!!!
Not the seashell Owls!!!
But I do sorta like that jumper...
Tomfoolery? I haven't heard that term in a while. I LIKE it! My new word for the day. Tomfoolery! Yeeehaw! Thanks Kameron!
(That brick wall behind him in his photo... is it just me, or does that look like the inside of a prison?)
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