Yesterday, I started a facebook page - under my maiden name of Pogue, hoping to find some old friends. My friends now, know my married name - they don't need to find me, they know where I am. The old friends I want to find would probably look for me under my maiden name. I hope it works, I feel pretty stupid having a facebook page - I'm 52 for crying out loud.
Ok, that said, I already have 5 friends on facebook! Ok, it's Jake, Heather, Kate, Sue, and Sheri - the same 5 that read my blog. But yesterday, I found Gerald Logue who I went to school with at Garden Valley. He's living in New Mexico and has 3 grown boys and his wife died while they were young. He goes by Jerry now.
You can also join "groups" on facebook. I've found a few I'm thinking about adding. My favorite is "No, I don't care if I die at 2 am, I refuse to pass on your chain letter." Then there's "I flip my pillow over to get to the cold side" - I thought I was the only one but this group has over 4 million members! So what do we do as members? Do we get a t-shirt?
Two of my friends look like the picture on this post - you know who you are. COME ON PEOPLE! If you're going to have a facebook page, put a friggin' picture on there or I'll do it for you! You've seen the pictures I can find just Googling "hillbilly".
So now I'm ALL THAT. I've joined facebook.
These people are going to find you've become Maxine if you keep talking like that. And you were such a sweet child.
Doesn't EVERYONE turn their pillow for the cool side.?
I think that's a fun thing to do, get on Facebook. Finding old friends can be enlightening !
Hahahaha!!! I want to join "I don't care if I die at 2am, I'm not passing on your chain letter." How did you even FIND these groups? Is there some sort of group index that I don't know about??
Mom, Jodi IS Maxine. Come on, think about it, have you ever seen them both in the same room at the same time?
Hahahaha!! You crack me up - idjit. Yea, there's a thingy on there where you can join groups. I saw several that would be very fitting for you.
MMOOOooooommmmmm!!!! Jodi called me an idjit!!!!!
serves you right !!!!!!!!!!!!
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