"Today Only Sail". I swear, when I first passed this sign it didn't occur to me that this was for a yard sale. LEARN TO SPELL PEOPLE!!!!
And speaking of spelling, if you're going to quote something funny, spell it right! Don't they know it's not funny unless it's spelled "splainin'"?
I've seen this one many times. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND CAMPS AT WALMART????
They even put pretty (plastic) flowers out.
And this will never fail to amuse me - our ostrich chicken's hiney...
Start carrying your camera and you'll start noticing some people and things that amuse you too!
Those are funny ! And that chicken does NOT look like a chicken ! I thought it was an animal until I read the caption. Isn't it fun to see the humor in life !
How cool. I should do that too. But mine would mostly be photos of weird people. I'm not kidding, best people watching in the world is downtown Portland. WEIRDOS!!!
We LOVE weird people! Take pictures!
She might get hurt by one of them. Lala, you'd have to do it from your car so you could make a run for it.
Oh yeah, I have my camera with me at all times; I never know when I'll see wildlife or, well, that the George .W Bush Presidential library has sprung up in Worley!
Love your photos, keep 'em coming!
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