Adam left for summer camp Monday. This is the first year I've been able to talk him into going. He doesn't like to be away from home - he's got to get used to it, I don't want him living here til he's 40...
He called yesterday - just 24 hours after leaving for 6 days.
"Hi son are you having fun?"
"Yea, but you didn't pack enough clothes for me."
"What do you mean? I packed 6 pairs of shorts, 6 shirts, and a pair of long pants."
"I know but they're all dirty."
"WHAT??? How can you get that many clothes dirty in ONE DAY???"
"Well we've played paintball and stuff."
"Well son, you're at camp. I guess you're just going to have to wear dirty clothes for the rest of the week."
"Mom, there's GIRLS up here."
"Well, dang son, I had no idea there were GIRLS there! I'm on my way with the rest of the clothes in your closet."
"Adam, you may have to take some of your dirty clothes down to the lake and wash them. Just hang them up somewhere and they'll dry."
"Heavy sigh"
I haven't heard from him yet today (NEVER send your child to camp with a cell phone). I suppose he's wearing dirty clothes as I can't imagine him taking them to the lake.
I still can't figure out how a kid can go through that many clothes in 24 hours...
I didnt know he went to camp. What kind of camp & where? Speaking of... when do you go to camp???
He went to church camp with his friend Brian in McCall (I think!). It's called Camp Pinewood and it looked like they would have a lot of fun. I have camp training on the 26th and go to camp Aug 15-17. I'm really looking forward to trying it and possibly getting more involved next year.
Huh? You're going to camp? What camp? What'd I miss??
That's so funny that he's worried about dirty clothes. Isn't he a teenag boy? Aren't you supposed to FORCE them to put on clean clothes once a week??
I'm going to Camp Erin - I blogged about it a while ago. It's a grief camp for kids.
Well, the girl thing expalins the need for clean clothes I guess. I don't think he'd care if it was all guys.
I can't believe he wore ALL 6 days' worth of clothes in one day. However------the girls might be in the same boat---so to speak.
I think you need to keep a journal of his phone calls----all the time. He's just too funny !!!!
Girls??? Eeeewww!!!!
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