I know, this is DEFINITELY a hillbilly idea, but here goes...
Ival and I have decided it would be so cool to open up the Wall Tent Cafe. Much like Bogus Creek Outfitters, but on a smaller scale. We want to find a small piece of property to lease (best if it were near Hidden Springs) and put up a wall tent where we can serve dinner on Saturday and Sunday night. There would be no "menu", there would be a specific dinner that you have no choice but to eat! We would only be able to probably serve 10-16 people so it would be on a reservation basis. All of the cooking would be done in Dutch ovens and cast iron skillets. In the summer, we'd have tables outside, in the winter, we'd heat with a stove and have to put up an additional tent for seating. We'd start with just summer to see how it went.
I think we could get tons of publicity when we first open since there's nothing else like it (anywhere that I know of). So girls, what are your thoughts? Would you go to a place like that to eat just for something different? I called the County, and it wouldn't be that hard to get started, just have to find a place to do it. Do you think this is weird or could it be done? Be honest!
Honestly, I think that's one of the coolest ideas I've ever heard!!! It would be a total hit, because it would be an "experience" in addition to dining. Really, sign me up; I wanna be your first customer! What about running water and stuff? What will you call it? Where will it be?
Jodi, this could really turn into something HUGE. You could hold special events (weddings, family reunions, birthdays etc.). This is straight out of Sunset magazine. Brilliant!!!
Ok, now I'm in REAL trouble. I just found the PERFECT spot for it and it's priced REALLY well. Go to www.currantcreek.net and look at this property. It's just about 3 minutes from Hidden Springs. It's geologically protected because of an old Indian site they found on the property. We could sell our house and live on the property and run the business. Like I said, for 25 acres, it's priced REALLY well. Anyone want to invest?????? I'm going to look at it tomorrow at 3:30. See, now I'm screwed 'cause now I REALLY want to do it!
mom... I think its a great idea and right up yours and Ival's alley. The only thing that I can really think of is how you guys would differ yourselves from the Bogus Basin Outfitters... especially since you wouldnt have the horse rides and stuff. You would really have to think of somthing to make yourselves really special, cool and one of a kind!
I hope you guys can do this! Sounds fun! Sign me up for any volunteering that you would need!!!
The way it would be different from Bogus Outfitters, is-----there wouldn't be that drive up the mountain to get there. And people here in Hidden Springs would be right there---and would think its a cool thing to do too. Its not that far for Boise patrons. The way you might be in trouble is when Butch finds out and wants to come live with you to run the place.
If the property is protected because of Indian artifacts, how can you build a house on it? And have the public tramping around on their precious ground?
It sounds like fun for the patrons and I think its a grand idea. Kate's right. Sunset may even do a story on it. WOW
Ok, I just had another thought, we could set up more wall tents and have a Mary Jane's farm type of business as well. there could be TONS of ways to make money here!
See http://www.maryjanesfarm.com/bb/wall-tents.asp
that's so funny, because Mary Jane's farm is exactly what I envisioned....so you must have the latest Sunset mag, right? Because it has a special on "fancy" tent camping. So yeah, you could run it as a B & B and that way the land would be a TAX WRITE OFF, baby!!!
You could hire guitarists, or cow-boy poets to come on the weekends and make it really special. And as mom said, people would come because it's so close in. And hell, you could even have your "farm animals" for novelty. Oh my god, I want IN!!! How can I convince David to move to Boise.....
What happened to Belise? I can't keep up!! Sheri
Oh Sheri, you're pathetic - keep up! Ival won't go to Belize. You see, I have this terrible "need" to have SOMETHING to look forward to/live for. Actually, this would be a good way to enjoy life for the next 10-15 years until we retire then sell it and let Ival live HIS dream - in a little one room shack with no water or electricity in northern Idaho.
Maybe by then I'll be dead...
Oh, I see. You plan to LIVE in the tent, as apparently the acreage is way more than $400,000.
I like the bed in the tent. That's pretty. Kinda fluffy for a tent.
I will try to keep up...if Ival refuses Belise then you have a right to refuse his crappy little cabin. Just my opinion. Tell Ival I said Hi! Sheri
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