Last week, I got on the Internet looking for volunteer opportunities here in Boise. I had originally been looking to find a fire lookout to work at for a month where I could take Adam. How much fun would that be! But I was too late for this year.
So, in order to make my "woefully pathetic existence" (see previous post) a little more meaningful, I found a wonderful camp that I've signed up to work in August. It's called Camp Erin and it's a 3-day grief camp for kids who've lost a family member (usually a parent). I got right on the Internet and emailed the Camp Director who sent me the application the same day. I received a call yesterday that I'll be helping with the "Challenge Course" and "Love Lights"! This is where the kids make a luminary that reflects their thoughts/memories of the person they lost and then they release them on the last night of camp over the lake. Next year, I'm going to apply early enough to hopefully be a "cabin buddy." They're the cabin leaders.
I'm really excited about this camp and know that I'll have the chance to work with some kids that will again remind me how truly blessed I am in my own life.
I found Camp Erin by doing a Google search for "Boise volunteer opportunities". Camp Erin has camps throughout the US, and if you're interested in finding a camp near you, here's their website: http://www.moyerfoundation.org/events/erin.aspx
Jod, that is the coolest thing ever!! What a wonderful way to use your experience for the good of other people. That is just perfect for you. I'm proud of you sis.
PS. Totally off-topic, but did you know that they have a zip-line at Tamarack? There's an article in the new Sunset magazine. You were looking for one for Adam, right?
Yea, I may take him and some friends up there this summer. It sounds like fun!
Jodi, that is the greatest. It will be good for them, good for you. I'm proud of you too.
Camp is such fun, and there the kids will be with others in the same circumstances. Its so much easier and usually the only way they will open up.
That is sooo right up your alley. Perfect!
I think it would be right up yours too! HA! I made a funny!
Really, you should look into this kind of stuff to keep yourself busy and meet new people.
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