Most people are content with one dog, maybe two.
Daisy is a Goldendoodle. I did a lot of research before we bought her, she had to be good with the grandkids. She moves with the speed of a sloth and is one of the sweetest and most mellow dogs I've ever owned. Zooey is a Bichon/King Charles Spaniel cross. Even at just 8 months old, she's a wonderful dog. She too is mellow, loves the grandkids, and a wonderful addition to our family.
This is Buddy. One night, Elmer went to a Pheasants Forever Banquet and came home with a sweet Golden Retriever puppy. I love Golden Retrievers, he's our third. He has such a sweet face. But don't let looks deceive you - he is the devil in disguise. As a puppy, he was a turd bugler - now THAT'S disgusting. He's also like a freakin' elephant, knocking things over in the house every time he comes in.
A few days ago, Grace was over and wanted to have Zooey come in and play with her. I kind of bent down and opened the door just enough for Zooey to squeeze in when BAM! I knew I was in trouble but there was nothing I could do about it. The door flew open and the big, red, devil-in-disguise bounded through as if I wasn't there, knocking me on my arse. I remember thinking "Oh shit", knowing I was going down. It was almost as if it happened in slow motion. I ended up laying on my back with the devil dog bounding merrily all around me as if to say "Thanks for letting me in!"
As it happens, my youngest son Adam was standing there as well and when he realized what had happened yelled "Mom, are you ok?" When I replied I was, all I heard, while still laying on my back on the hard floor, was "Bwaahaahhaaaahaaa!" Yes, he was roaring with laughter.
We have three kids...
Don't ask me why. Most people are content with one child, maybe two.
He has such a sweet face. But don't let looks deceive you - he is the devil in disguise...
Cute picture of the two of you!
We have 4 dogs. Most people are content with one.
Oh, and 3 cats.
Did I mention 5 kids? Sigh....
that was a cute post and made laugh out loud! Oh and what the heck were you doing up at 4:50 somthing A.M.?
What a cute post!Thanks for giving my Sunday morning such a nice start!Oh, and Jacki, when you get to be our age you will understand that we get up when our brain wakes up and sometimes that is still the middle of the night!
Tallulah, you're obviously a glutten for punishment!
I have no idea why I was up at 4:50! What Sheri said.
I think Buddy should go to another lovely family. HE IS STRONG !
The dogs are all just adorable when they're asleep.
As for your youngest child-----he is his Mother's child.
Hahahahahaaaa!!! That was a GREAT post! All your dogs and your kids are sweeties, DESPITE being raised by you. ;)
Jod, I think you should submit that picture of Zooey on Daisy to
along with the story about how she doesn't like to get her paws wet. I bet they'd post it.
(I'm embarrassed to admit I'm addicted to that site; it IS total cute overload.)
OK, that is just frickin' cute!!!
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