Adam and I went to see Stomp! at the Morrison Center today. Absolutely amazing...
These kids make music with everything from their hands, match boxes, water bottles, brooms, a pen in their mouths, and of course their signature instruments, oil and garbage cans. While in some ways it looks so simple it would be so hard to remember your rhythm since they all have separate rhythms they play.

It was awesome. If you ever get a chance to see them, I highly suggest it!
That is SO COOL that you and Adam got to see that! What did he think of it?
I saw them years ago, and it is REALLY amazing. I'm so glad you guys went. I bet Adam thought it was cool! He has a pretty hip mom!
He loved it, but I think I was most impressed. Funny how you appreciate just about everything more as you get older! We had a great time.
That's wild ! And so great. What a great Mom to take him to that and both of you enjoy it !
oooo ive always wanted to see them!
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