After some discussion, we decided it would be more fun for the three of us to go and meet Kate's plane. So, Kate told mom "Well, if you're all going to come and get me, then I want balloons and a sign." OK. "Oh, and a band". "A rubber band?" mom asked. "Hell no, I want a marching band!"
When mom told me jokingly what Kate had requested, I knew it was something we could easily deliver. Don't EVER make the mistake of asking for something you really don't want...
So after a quick trip to the dollar store and a short practice session, we were off to pick up Kate at the airport.
We were giddy with excitement. You see, Kate has this laugh that is huge - not obnoxisouly huge, but EVERYONE notices (and usually can't help but laugh too) when Kate laughs.
"I can't wait 'til she gets off the plane. I hope she has to go to the bathroom, I'd love to see her pee her pants right there in the airport! She's just gonna' die!"
"This'll teach her never to request something she doesn't really want!" Oh the excitement was just unbearable. Definately well worth the stares from the uninformed others, waiting to greet their loved ones at the airport. Yep, this was a GOOD one, well worth even the $3 we had spent at Everything's Just One Dollar.
So here we are - waiting for her arrival (notice the buck teeth - 5 pair for only $1!):

The big moment arrives - she's the first one off the plane!! In some semblance of order, we march out to the middle of the walkway and turn in unison to face her as she walks through the door...
A blank (embarrased) stare... No laughter... No pants peeing...
"What the hell are you guys doing????"
"We're the band here to greet you!"
"What band?"
"The one you wanted!" Ok, NOW she's gonna laugh!
"I didn't want a band!"
"Yes, you did."
"No, I didn't."
"Yes, you did! You told mom you wanted a band, and a sign, and balloons!" Good God, this was not the way it was supposed to be...
"Remember, I asked if you wanted a rubber band and you said NO - a Marching Band! So here we are!" We're still waiting for the uncontrollable laughter...
"Oh yea... Good God, you guys should be embarrased."
Well thanks for nothin' Kate...
I had completely forgotten about the "band" comment as soon as I said it. So when I saw your little, uh, parade I had NO freakin' idea what you were doing and seriously? I was thinking it was time for all of us to finally admit that our family really is "special".
Does it count that now I'm sitting at my desk laughing my ass off every time I look at the close-up of ya'll with your hillbilly teef???
Nope, that doesn't count. You ruined a very special welcome and you'll never get another one...
Oh how will I ever get over my disappointment?
hehe.....that was too funny!
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