Sunday, April 26, 2009

First Annual Hillbilly Gatherin' - But Certainly Not the Last!

The Hillbilly Gatherin' was awesome. Better than I hoped for a first-year event. Lots of folks having a great time. I should have put these pictures in better order, but I'm tired! So here you go, if you missed it, we had a GREAT time and raised over $1,300! I was going to be really happy if we raised $1,000 but we had a lot of very generous people!


The frozen t-shirt game - Shane the fireman is really hard on the eyes...

We didn't have a name for this game but it was FUNNY!

Pin the mustache on sister...

Thanks to all of you who came - I had so much fun with you and the money is going to a great cause! To those of you who didn't make it, hope to see you next year for a bigger and better event!


  1. Yeeehawww!!! Hot Damn that wus fittin' ta be the best dad-gum party ever!

  2. That looks like it was awesome! What a good idea you gal's had. Hope to make it next year!

  3. It was probably one of the most fun parties I've ever been to. Lots of people I didn't even know from the 'hood that just came to support a great cause and have fun!

  4. I have so many comments (what WAS that game with the toilet paper and did anyone eat that lizard bread?) but Shane the fireman was so hard on my eyes...

  5. Is Steve a huge guy? In the picture of him, that can look's tiny in his hand. Yes, I had to give my eyes a good rubbing after seeing Shane the Fireman too! Be careful what you expose us "older" gals to, Jodi!

  6. Jaci I didn't have time to give the plunger game a name but it was hilarious - and hard to do! It was a relay team of 4 people who had to pass a roll of paper and it was so funny to watch the contortions!

    Sheri, Steve is about 6'2" so probably not considered huge but he's tall I guess. He has a heart as big too. I love him!

    Yea, Shane is a sweet guy. He's married to our cook at the Merc and on weekends when he's not at the firestation, he cooks there too. Nice, nice couple. I've seen him lots of times with his cook apron on, but NEVER without his shirt! Woohoo!

  7. I had a great time ! It was the best party I've ever been to also and can't wait till next year. If everyone who came brings 4 more people, we'll have us a BIG Hillbilly pardy.

    Jodi, such a great idea, and Jodi and Linda-----great job and guys the pig was perfect----thank you, great job to all of you who worked on it for such a fun party. Everybody there LOVED it. Fun games, fun dancing, good food. thanks a million.

  8. Oh I have a name for that, but I don't think I can post it here. Ehem....

  9. T, it'll be okay to say it if you whisper...

  10. I laughed out loud at the cake. But, please, please tell me that was a plastic lizard. It looked so real!!!!!!!!!
