Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Now that the Hillbilly Gatherin' is over, it's time to get on task with the Race for the Cure! Some people have been having a hard time signing up. If you click on the link to the right on this page, it will take you to a page that says "Join Jodi's Team". Easy enough huh! THEN it takes you to a page where the actual link to join the team in in hot pink in a dark colored bar and almost impossible to see. So, when you find the dark colored bar, roll over it until your mouse finds the words to take you to the proper place. Feel free to either call, email, or leave a comment here if you need help.

To those of you who have signed up and/or made a donation to our team - THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm truly hopeful that by the time my granddaughters are adults, breast cancer will be history and something they don't have to worry about.


  1. How can I tell if I am actually signed up?

    I hope the weather is great for it! And I hope, too, that they raise a ton of money for research!

    Good luck !

  2. My dear friend and neighbor Kristin Dam (have you met her?)has raised $275 for the team. Yee haw!

  3. T, I haven't met Kristin, or if I have I don't recall who she is. I saw where she raised that much money and was so excited? Good for her! I should get her on board to help with the Hillbilly party next year!

  4. I came to your blog tonight specifically to register my support for the Riot Squad (I kept forgetting to do this), then I read this. I am truly angry!! I wish my sister-in-law would do the Race for the Cure (she's out four years now from BC). Anyway - I read this and I hopped on over to support the Riot Squad. We NEED A CURE. NOW.
