Monday, April 20, 2009


I was heading to the grocery store this evening and Elmer was standing outside. As I started the old red truck he ran up to the window...

"Your rockers are knockin', that's not good."


"Your rockers are knockin'."

In my mind, all I could hear was "Your knockers are rockin'"

Funny, I have no knockers...

He said I needed to stop in and get it serviced on my way to the store. All the way there I was chuckling to myself thinking Elmer had told me that my knockers were rockin'. Dumb broad.

So, what do you think I did? As Kate would say, Yes I did.

I pulled into Oil Can Henrys and he asked if I needed my oil changed. "Yes" I told him. "And my husband says my knockers are rockin'"

I bet he's never heard that one before...


  1. Just think, you were the hilarious subject of conversation at the bar, the dinner table, and any body who breathes-----will hear that story!

    Anything you hear from Elmer NEEDS TO BE EXPLAINED ! IN DETAIL !

  2. I am so damn proud to know you! You make me look a little less old and a little more sane! Seriously, I can so relate to that story and love that you can laugh about it! That is exactly how I would handle it and exactly how it should be handled!It is freakin hilarious.....wish I could have seen their faces when you told them your knockers were rockin!

  3. Isn't it just amazing how much we entertain ourselves the older we get.
