Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I'm Going Back To Work!

The Merc has been sold to a couple from here at Hidden Springs. I think they're going to do a great job and want to return it to the way it used to be. Residents can sell their "wares" in there, people will feel welcome again, and it going back to home style food and fun. Taco Tuesdays, game nights, they're even going to rent the Merc for less than we pay for the barn now. The changes are really good for the community and I'm excited to be a part of it.

Yep, I'm going to be working at the Merc. I have to admit, I think it will be really fun. Since I love football, they've scheduled me for Monday nights and Sundays to cover the games. I think I'll be working 3 or 4 days a week. I told them that I can't work on days that BSU plays - mom and I have a date to watch those games together at her house.

Like most everyone else in the US, the economy has taken a toll on us. I'm just glad that if I have to work, it's doing something fun. They scheduled the four "seniors" (that's all 4 of us over the age of 18) to go in for orientation today, but they made us work! We scrubbed all the wooden chairs and tables (if I'd wanted to be doing that I would have done it at home!), all the outside tables and chairs, ALL the woodwork inside (and there's a ton of it!). I feel really fortunate, I really enjoy the other three "seniors" and I think we'll make a great team.


  1. I'm going to come in and bug you. If you have to work, that is a fun place to work, and seems as if you "seniors" will give the place the atmosphere and care that it has lacked for so long. The community is waiting in anticipation for the Grand Re-Opening. Good for the new owners and all of you working there.

  2. thats cool! Think of it this way... you wouldnt have gotten paid if you were cleaning your own house.


  3. Well that's for sure! And that $5.65 an hour I'm makin' is some darn good money! Worked my ass off today and made about $36.

  4. Well that is so cool sis. I think you'll LOVE the social interaction. You've always been a very social person.

  5. And besides, you'll get tips if yer nice to people...

  6. WHAT! They didn't tell me I had to be nice to people!!!!

  7. Remember, Lala, she is our Maxine !

  8. Jodi,
    I think you should turn the crotchety-waitress/Maxine thing into a schtick. You can find an old pink waitress uniform, get some cat-eye sunglass and just be meaner' than cat-shit. People will eat it up and you get to be your authentic self!


  9. Uh, yer gunna git 'er fired.
    On Halloween it would be fun-----Jodi that wuld be great ! Everyone in costume and there's Maxine.

  10. No, I agree with Kate, Jodi needs to do the Maxine thing, with the pink waitress uniform and cat-eye glasses.

  11. Yea, you guys are gonna' git me fired before I even start! I WILL however, do the Maxine thing at Halloween - how fun would that be!!!!
