Sunday, September 7, 2008

This n' That...

It was a busy summer - a good one. Here's a few shots of what's been happening over the last several weeks.

Heather and Grace came up for a last swim at the pool for the season... Heather is such a good mommy!

Grace is getting so good in the pool!

Ival went scouting for antelope. Adam drew a permit this year.
We got a last few pictures of Rosie. She was still holding her tail high and able to chase the ball for a few minutes before she got too tired. We sure miss her.

Adam has always wanted a small dog. He desperately wanted a poodle, but as hard as it was on him to lose Rosie, I just couldn't bring myself to allow a poodle into the house. So, we compromised and got a Bischon/Spaniel mix. Her name is Zulu. He loves her and so do we. The big dogs love her too.
These mix dogs used to be called "mutts" and you could get them free. Now they're called "designer" dogs and cost $250.00


  1. Those are great photos; that puppy is ADORABLE! What is it with poodles? Anna wanted one too! Our poor kids, they are forever going to be denied getting a poodle thanks to our experience with Trinket!

  2. I love the pictures of your summer. The puppy is absolutely adorable! Makes me want a little puppy... No, wait, slap me. I just got a puppy last summer and he's still eating my furniture. Adam's puppy is much cuter.

  3. Ahhh, cute pictures ! Where's Grace---oh, under the hair.
    Zulu, what's not to love with that face ! Jaci, with a little dog, it wouldn't be able to reach very high on your furniture. (good to hear from you ).

  4. This might be the cutest puppy ever!
