Friday, August 29, 2008

The Fly Strip...

If you've ever seen a fly strip, they are totally disgusting. Sticky like you can't imagine and usually, covered with as many flies as you had wherever you put it. Well, about this time every year, we get flies in our house and I just can't stand it. So every year, Ival talks me into letting him put a fly strip up somewhere. A few years ago, it was hung on the light fixture right over the kitchen island. Not this year, I refused to have it right in the kitchen, so we hung it over the kitchen table - much better. Not like any of the flies are going to fall off of it - you couldn't get 'em off it you wanted to. Oh hell, we never eat there anyway, it's just for decoration...

Today, the carpet cleaner is coming so I had to put a bunch of stuff from the living room on the kitchen table. I moved the fly strip so it wouldn't stick to anything under it. I decided to hang it off the light fixture the formal dining room to get it out of the way. We don't use that room either so I knew it would be okay to have it hanging down further than it usually is.

Well, not everything from the living room fit in the dining room so I started packing things into the formal dining room and damn if I didn't forget that fly strip was there. I was hauling a small table in there when OH MY GOD I got that fly strip stuck in my hair! I just about died. I tried not to move any more than I had to but it still stuck to my shirt. I had to TOUCH IT to get it off of me and out of my hair! Not only are those things sticky, but it had flies in it!!!!

This seriously, was probably the most disgusting this that's ever happened to me. I'll never feel clean again!!!!


  1. I'm quite disgusted just reading about it! How do all those flys get in your house anyway? A fly really are a hillbilly! One I am proud to know tho. Sheri

  2. Yuk ! I haven't seen one of those in a hundred years. Sheri, there are about 2 dozen boys tramping thru the house every day, door open , door shut, door open etc etc.

  3. Oh come on Sheri, like you don't have flies! Disgusting little buggers make me sick!

  4. My house is a no fly zone! Really, it's just Gary and I so the door is opened maybe 5 times a day!S

  5. EEEEWWWWW!!! I had that happen to me in Oregon, where the flies are legendary in August. Back when I was working at the pub, I got one caught in my (at the time) very long hair and I swear, I wanted to shave my head. Ick. Yulk. Barf.

    Thanks so much for telling us that story. Glad to know Elmer's not the only dork in the house!

  6. When I was leaving for college, my folks drove me out to this ranch. I was going to fly to Iowa with this girl who lived on the ranch and part of that plan involved staying at their house overnight. Not only were the TWO fly strips hanging over the kitchen table, but they wereinches from the FOOD on the table and the ranch folk were sitting there, eating dinner as if nothing was out of the ordinary. YUCK!!! I almost chickened out.
    I would have chickened out if that fly strip got caught in my HAIR!

  7. eeeewwww.... I'd shave your head and start over if I was you. You'll never get the remnants outta yer hair!!!!

  8. We are out in the country and get flies like crazy also. There's GOT to be something better for catching flies in the house...but I haven't found it yet. Let's make a pact to let the other one know when we find that magical product...mmmmkay?
