Monday, August 25, 2008

Boise Fire...

From KTVB - 9:30 pm 8/25

BOISE - A major fire is burning in southeast Boise near Columbia Village at this hour, and has burned at least seven structures. Those homes are on or near Sweetwater Drive.
The fire is rapidly burning through dry brush in the area of Amity and Holcomb roads. The fire broke out just after 7 p.m. in the Oregon Heights subdivision.
Residents were told by firefighters to turn on their sprinklers and evacuate their homes. Evacuees are being told they can go to a nearby LDS church for assistance and to wait out the fire.
Michael Robinson said he heard a loud bang and then watched the fire rush across a field. In less than a minute, Robinson gathered up his wife and dog, and their two cars. The couple got out with just the clothing on their backs. He says houses were just "blowing up." It was very hard to watch. He says they lost everything in the fire.
Dozens of fire crews, including the Bureau of Land Management and city fire engines are in the area trying to tamp down the flames.
The fire is burning in the area of an Idaho Power substation, and flames are very close to it. So far, crew have been successful in keeping the flames away from the substation.
So far, there have been no reports of any injuries from these fires. Everyone managed to get out safely.
Boise Fire Chief Dennis Doan says this is the largest fire response in his 20 years with the department.


  1. How scary!!!! I didn't know about this (well, it just started a couple hours ago - after the news is already over). My heart just goes out to everyone.

  2. Glad you blogged this, Jodi. I emailed the girls, but pictures are way better. You're a good reporter !
    I woke at 5 this morning and turned on the news----had to see !

  3. Oh man, that's awful. Those poor people...
