Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I wish I could tell you it was a rattler, it would make this story so much more interesting...

Last night, I was watching live coverage of one of the biggest fires in Boise history (see post below). Ten homes destroyed and sadly, 1 person died.

Elmer had walked out into the garage when I heard him yelling. At first, thinking he was hollering to one of the neighbors, I didn't pay attention. A few seconds later, I heard him again, then again.

I decided I'd go out and see who he was hollering at and opened the door into the garage. He's standing in the garage with one leg up in the air.

"A snake just wrapped itself around my ankle! I thought it was a bungee cord and I kicked it and it wrapped itself around my ankle! Come help me!"

"Help you? No way! It was probably a garden snake."

"A garden snake or a rattler. It's back behind the freezer."

I peek behind the freezer and see a teeny, tiny little head peeking out. Ok, even though it's teeny, tiny - I'm not helpin'.

I went back in the house to let Elmer fend for himself. After about 5 minutes, he came back inside and said he couldn't get the snake outside.

Later, I went out to lock my truck and smelled the strong smell of "something."

"OK, what's that smell out in the garage. What did you do out there?"

"I sprayed him with WD 40."

I can't go into the garage now without wondering where the snake is. I'm sure he's still in there. But I know he's not squeaking...


  1. There is nothing worse than a sneaky snake who is not squesking....you may have to move! Sheri

  2. oops...need a proof reader over here! S

  3. wd 40! hahahahha....thats freakin classic!

  4. I don't think snakes squeak. And I like your comment Sheri !

  5. Oh my god, what would we do (or laugh at) without Elmer?? I, for one, am SO glad you married him. He is an endless source of amusement. WD-40....oh man...I'm crying....

  6. I can sympathize with Elmer. I once sprayed a bug on the bathroom floor with hairspray, then later had to get a knife to scrape him off the floor. Ugh!

  7. Ha! Bonnie what a great story!

    You know he's eventually gonna get after me for telling all these stories. OK, he already has, but I'm married to a goof and he's married to a loud mouth!

  8. I did not spray the snake
    I sprayed under the freezer to try and chase him out.
    By the way DEAR I found him and you will to soon!

  9. Oh Ival, A slithering sneaky slinky snake with no squeaks in the garage? Simply sinful and scary. You need to snipe that snake and sling him up on the wall.... get your cammo hat on and save your spouse! Sheri

  10. Sheri, that was great! How did you come up with all that ssssstuff!

  11. I'm just full of SSSSShit! S

  12. Sheri, we love you!!! Can we keep you????


  13. Classic Aunt Jodi. So funny :)

