Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back To School!

The kids go back to school tomorrow! We've had a summer with a house full of 14-year-old boys eating us out of house and home. In fact, I usually don't know who's here and how many, other than I learned to count the pairs of shoes at the bottom of the stairs.

Thank goodness. I'm ready!


  1. That's a lot of stinky teenage-boy shoes right there.

  2. What happened with the turd burgler?

  3. And you could count scooters and bikes, except some sneak in by other means---walk, parents who know they can drop their kids off at the T house.
    You should make them bring sack lunches/junk food.

  4. Oh, the shoes are nothing. You should walk into the bonus room where all those boys are up there! Ewwwwww!

    The turd bugler is still active. Once the hot-sauced items were scooped, he began his nasty ritual again. Elmer is getting very disgusted. He says Buddie's hide is going to end up on the wall...
