Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Turd Burglar...

For some reason, Buddy, our youngest Golden Retriever, has decided to become the "turd burglar" (yes, this IS the technical term, I learned it from Jacki). We find them on the back patio - sick. So, Elmer in all his wisdom, decided tonight, to put some of his "Butt Burner" hot sauce on every pile out back. He's usually anal (ew, sorry about that pun) about picking up the back yard EVERY day. This is way out of his comfort zone to leave them overnight.

This is Buddy watching Elmer sprinkle his treats with the hot sauce. He went through two bottles, using up his "Butt Burner" and having to finish off with "Texas Tongue Torcher."

Hopefully, the turd burglar will be broken.


  1. oh man, that one definitly had me laughing out loud!

  2. Ok, let me see if I've got this straight...

    Buddy picks up the turds from around the yard, and brings them up onto your porch for you? And you think this is a bad thing,...

    WTF??? He is cleaning up his own mess! Do you know how many dog owners would kill for that trait in their dog??? And you have a problem with it???? I think the dog is brilliant!

    Maybe, if you put a little bucket up there, you might be able to get him to drop them in there! Again, I think that's one hellova dog!

  3. Now dang it, I can't tell if anonymous is scolding me again or not. If ya don't like my stories, don't read my blog! Elmer, is that you acting all anonymous???


    Linda, to tell you the truth, I hadn't thought of it that way! I'm excited to pass this information along to Elmer!

  4. Elmer says IS THERE nothing private around our house?
    You just wait till I post a picture of you that you had no idea was being taken!

  5. Well, NO there's nothing private around our house! You make life so interesting! I'd be bored stiff if you weren't here...

    The only thing that could have made this better was if you'd been outside in your undershorts and I'd gotten a picture of that.

  6. Intruder! Intruder! Intruder!!!

    Elmer, like she said: GIT!!

    I like Lala's point; if you can train Buddy to drop the turds into a bucket or a small garbage can, well, Elmer's job is done, right? Brilliant.

  7. Undershorts and the cammo hate would have made a way better picture....and Elmer, I think you should always assume Jodi is taking your picture. What do you put on the urine....kethcup? Sheri

  8. Kate
    Elmer say's keep it up and I'll make some coments on your site!

  9. NO! Please! I'm sorry!! Elmer, no!

  10. Thats more like it
    But what the hell I have your #

  11. Silly Elmer thinking anything could be private when living with Jodi.

    Ival, face it, you live the life of a rock star, with papperatsi watching every move you make, ready to share it with the world!

    And we LOVE it!!!

  12. I'm back, late on this conversation, but I agree. That dog is a neat freak ! How must better can it be ! Better yet, rather than a bucket, make that a small lined garbage can and yer work is done !
    Poor Elmer---always in the public eye, but we do enjoy it/you.

  13. Too much attention on some canine waste.. The part i cant get.. He's right there to "hot sauce" it.. Why not go ahead and pick it up?
