Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Like You Really Want To Know More!

So here's the answers to the 2 questions I asked my sisters.

If you could talk to 2 people who are dead, who would it be and what would you ask him/her or what would you talk about?

Naturally I'd talk to dad. I'd ask him if he could tell us where his watch and wedding ring are - mom would love to have them. I'd ask him if he could get a message to Patsy Cline to see if she could subliminaly give Kate singing lessons.

Other than your children, what have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?

I suppose my work with The Wishing Star Foundation gave me a lot of pride. It was awesome meeting kids that were so weak from cancer, yet so strong, and being able to provide them with a few days of pure joy. I'm also happy that the Memorial got built.

So what's next Kate????


  1. Oh, you'd really do that for me, ask Patsy Cline to teach me to sing?? That's frickin awesome sis. You really DO like me!

  2. And yes, you should be very, very proud of Wishing Star and the Memorial. Geez...looking at the things I'm proud of? I'm shallow and lame....

  3. Hey, I had to think of something - I don't have any friends, let alone from years ago...

    ok, that's sad.
