Tuesday, February 5, 2008

More Than You Ever Wanted To Know About Me...

Due to lack of anything terribly interesting to say on our blogs, my sisters and I are participating in a "what I want to know about you" questionairre. My youngest sister Kate started off asking the first 3 questions and I've added a few for she and Linda to answer. They'll answer my questions on their blogs.

Here are my brilliant answers:

1. If you could have one magic power, what would it be and what would you do with it? I don't really consider this a "magic" power because I believe there are people who can actually do this - but not everyone who claims to. I would love to be able to talk to the dead. I would love to be able to help people find missing loved ones or communicate with those they've lost.

2. What is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you? Oh dear God. This is why I don't drink. Keep in mind, I've had a hysterectomy and everything inside just freakin' falls apart after that! Ok, we were up north staying at Butch and Penny's with 3 other couples. I drank. The guys were pitching horseshoes so one of my best friends from high school and I decided to be "cheerleaders". We stood up and I started jumping to do some really awesome moves and freakin' got the jumpin' farts. My friend and I started laughing SO hard that I then wet my pants. But of course I still couldn't stop laughing. Oh dear Lord, let's see any of you top that one.

3. Name one or two things that scare you that you'd like to try this year (or at some point in your life.) I'd love to try paragliding and snorkeling.

Now here's the one's for Linda and Kate (and anyone else who wants to play along!)

If you could talk to 2 people who are dead, who would it be and what would you ask him/her or what would you talk about?

Other than your children, what have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?

So there you have it, I know I'll never hear the end of my embarrasing story from Kate.


  1. Oh holy shit...I am literally CRYING over answer number 2. The JUMPING FARTS??? I swear to god I am never going to stop laughing over that. You're absolutely right I am never going to let you live that one down. I'm only sorry I didn't get to witness it in person.

  2. You FRIGGIN' sicko. So, do you feel like you now know EVERYTHING you ever needed/wanted to know about me yet???
