Tuesday, February 5, 2008

So Linda Wants To Know...

Other than losing a family member, what scares you most?

Falling from a high place. Makes me sick to my stomach to even think about it. Also, having someone in my house that doesn't belong there. One time when we lived in grama's old house, Ival and I were downstairs with the kids and I heard someone walking around upstairs. Scared the hell out of me. Ival wanted to go upstairs and see who was up there but I wouldn't let him. I made him get out of the house with the kids and we went to his mom and dad's house and called the police. We met the police back at the house and they went in with us and the cop went upstairs to check. He came downstairs with our cat...

Where is the funniest or most unusual place you’ve ever had sex?

Well, this is just WRONG! I'm not very adventurous, I think it was in the woods. Nuff said.


  1. Where do you find these pictures??

    That's funny about it being your cat upstairs...but I swear Grandma's house was haunted. I STILL have creepy dreams about that house!

  2. I still have dreams about that house too! Maybe Julia Davis still walks the upstairs hall...

  3. I still have dreams about that house too! Maybe Julia Davis still walks the upstairs hall...

  4. I LOVE your cat picture ! That is just too funny. !
    And about the house, I don't remember anything strange ever happening when I was growing up. Guess I was just not sensitive enough, too "teen" to notice.
