Monday, July 30, 2007

The Boob Brigade is Off...

Tomorrow, I leave for Canada. For some reason, since I'm going to Canada for my new boobs, I feel like I'm crossing the border to obtain illegal drugs or something - sneaking. However, I've found out some interesting things about our trip. Toronto has the world's largest underground walkway called the PATH. It connects just about everything we'd want to see or do while we're there - and our hotel sits right on top of it. We're staying in the tallest hotel in Toronto and we're only a block and a half away from the third largest shopping mall in Canada. Holy crap - it just doesn't get any better than this!

Unfortunately, I probably won't have a lot of time to shop. I'll be working with Irene all day long every day but it will give mom something fun to do. I can't wait to see what this is all about. Then, 4 weeks later (in time for my sister's wedding) my boobs will arrive on my doorstep by FedEx. I feel a little weird about that part too...

I'll be back on the 5th and will let you know all about it! Oh Canada - here I come!

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