Monday, August 6, 2007

Toronto Oddities...

Well, I thought when I came back from Toronto, I'd be telling you about the shopping, sights - all the fun I'd had. Instead, I spent every day - all day with Irene (she's cool). So I didn't get to do much of anything except ride the trolley to Irene's and back then out to dinner with mom. However, those 30 minutes on the trolley each way, each day were so fascinating. So, I'll spend the next few days telling you about Toronto's oddities and how much fun a hick girl from Idaho had with the street people in a city of over 2 million.

One day 1, I found my way up the 3 blocks to the trolley stop where I would get on to ride the approximately 20 blocks to Irene's shop. I'm sitting on my little seat looking out the window when I hear laughter from across the aisle. I turn to see a boy/girl shaking his head and laughing out loud. I didn't want to stare, so out of the corner of my eye, I notice he's wearing bright green flip flops with sequins over the top. By this time, he's quit laughing and turned his head to look out the window so now it's safe to stare...

He's got on a red net shirt (you know what they look like) and bright orange shorts. He has beautiful rings on each finger - the BIG fake diamond ones. He turns to look back my way, so I smiled at him. He mumbles something to himself and laughs out loud again. This went on all the way to where he got off. I thought to myself, it must in a way, be nice to be blissfully happy in a world all your own. I also thought about how fun it was for me to be so easily entertained! Little did I know, that he was to be the most sane of those I would meet as the week went on. It was a FASCINATING trip and I can't wait to tell you about "Batman", "Mouse" man, and the fingerless begger!


  1. Ooohh! Can't wait to hear more! Your friend on the train reminds me of Jimmy Jive. Remember him?? I'll never forget the time I walked by him, me thinking I'm all smart and cool (I was in my 20s) and he just laughed and shook his head and said "Silly people. Silly, silly people." I think he was way smarter than he let on!

  2. Wow, Batman, Mouseman and the fingerless begger - sounds fun! Kinda like my rides on the Max here. Always something new! Like the guy on there yesterday who looked like a normal 20 something guy as he got on, but then he laid down across a couple of seats, and proceeded to suck his thumb all the way into downtown Portland! Not kidding, Lisa and Andrea saw it too!

  3. and what's weird about that??

  4. HA! That's a good one! You'll have to entertain us with your stories about your train ride! I remember Jimmy Jive! I'll never forget the time I saw him walk by the house with a blond wig on and it was all crooked half way covering his face. Wonder what ever happened to him????
