Sunday, July 29, 2007

Ridin' The Bull...

Every year, my sisters, our mom, and I get together for our annual girls weekend. We're such a mixed bunch - we have a heck of a good time together, no matter where we end up. This year, we did Boise - it could have been boring but it wasn't! In honor of mom's 76th birthday, we floated the mighty Payette River.

About 3/4 of the way down the river, the guide told us about "Riding the Bull." Huh. Sounded like fun. Kate hopped up front first and I must say - I was impressed. She even rode one-handed like a real bull rider, and she had the rodeo wave down pat.

Next was Linda's turn. She was good too.

Looks easy enough. My turn. I carefully crawled to the front of the boat and worked my butt into place. Holy crap, my pants were wet, I found myself sinking back toward the boat. If I pulled myself forward back onto the bow, was I going to pitch forward and fall overboard? I didn't dare fall into the boat - Kate and Linda had done so beautifully. What do I do? Unfortunately, I had no control as my hind end slid further into the watery bottom of the raft. (note however, I do have my left arm up ready for the authentic one-handed ride had I made it that far.)

It was like being a turtle turned upside down. I was squished between the bow of the boat and the first seat and I had this cumbersome life vest on that made it impossible to turn to one side or the other. Thankfully, I was with my family - I knew they'd help me regain at least some sense of dignity by quickly helping me out of this awkward situation. I didn't want our cute little guide to think I was a total fool!

They couldn't stop laughing long enough to help me up, but as you can see, one of them was kind enough to help me put my hat back on.

Again Kate (and Linda) - THANKS FOR NOTHIN'!
Happy Birthday mom!


  1. Oh you know you would have been laughing your ass off too, if it had been one of us!!

    I'm just SO GLAD someone got photos of this!

    so. damn. funny.

  2. Laughing my butt off, again! I swear the people I work with wonder what I'm up to as I sit in my little cubicle and start laughing for no apparent reason.

    But it is hysterical to watch yer sister as she is turtled on her back!!! Little arms and legs waving around everywhere!!!
