Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Casting For Recovery

Several weeks ago, I won the cancer lottery. I was one of 14 women chosen to participate in Idaho's first Casting for Recovery. It's a retreat for breast cancer survivors/patients where we spent the weekend learning from some of the most awesome women - not only the basics of fly fishing, but probably even more about ourselves.
As I packed my bag for the trip, I thought (just for a moment), should I pack my fake boobs, as I usually do when I travel. For the first time in 5 years, I thought, nope, hopefully there would be others like me. Even if there weren't, I didn't feel like I would be judged or looked at like "what's wrong with her - or is that even a her?"
Yep, for the first time in 5 years, I felt totally comfortable being me. I wish I could go every year, but there are 14 new deserving women here in Idaho who will have the same opportunity next June to experience total acceptance, learn a little bit about fly fishing (I wasn't good but it was SO much fun!) and meet some of the greatest gals you'll ever know.
The picture on the bottom is a few of us at the pond. The picture on the top is the most awesome group of volunteers (all who fly fish) who were there for everything we needed. These women consisted of nurses, a fishing guide on the Salmon River, businesswomen, a doctor, one of only 7 women in the US who holds the title "Master Fly Fishing Instructor" (although I found it much easier to say "Master Caster", and a Thereapist. (although, when I first saw Jodie and her name tag from across the room, I thought it said "Terrorist" - that kind of scared me...)
So, to all of you - cheers. You will always be one of the most special memories I know I will ever have. Let's get together like we said we would. I'll be sending you all an email one of these days with a date for coffee.


  1. Ha!! Love that title! What a great experience, Jod. I'm so glad you got to go and that you left your boobies at home. : )

    love you!

  2. I loved your pics of your group ! And your headline ! Many will empathize !!!!! So glad your sniffles didn't keep you home, it was good for you to be there !!!!!! love, Mom
