Thursday, June 28, 2007


It's a VERY sad day. After all the work of trying to catch the SOB, our neighbors called this morning (they also have quail in a pen). The SOB had killed one of their quail several weeks ago so they went and purchased a live trap. A LIVE trap.

When she called she said "So what do we do with a dead raccoon in our trap? Should we throw it in the garbage?" WHAT? They not only caught our SOB but they KILLED her! Well, they didn't mean to kill her but they had been gone for a few days and must have caught her while they were gone - it got hot yesterday.

I had to see the sweet raccoon that I knew had outsmarted Elmer Fudd all these days. All the tricks he had tried with the cat food and all the times she had stolen the food right out of the cage. I went to see the body...

"What did you use for bait?" I asked. I thought they must have used something better than the old cat food standby that works every time.

"You're supposed to use bait? We didn't know that. We just opened the door and she must have walked in ..."

Poor SOB. Caught and died for nothing. You should have tripped our trap - we would have released you - alive...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you HAVE to take SOB to the taxidermist!!! Have it stuffed in a ferocious pose (you know, dukes up, teeth bared) and give it to Elmer Fudd as a surprise!!!
