Wednesday, June 27, 2007

SOB Remains Free...

Well, this morning was a disappointment. SOB didn't pay us a visit last night. I'm not surprised however. Raccoons rarely visit the same place 2 nights in a row. He may be back tonight, and if he is, EF is ready for him. He's wired the cat food can to the bottom of the cage so that he can't steal it away without stepping on the pan...

EF told me last night, "Three more nights."
"Three more nights what?"
"I'm giving him three more nights, and if I don't catch him by then, I'm sittin' outside in my lawn chair all night with my shotgun and I'm gonna blast that SOB."

I'm sure the neighbors would appreciate that...

I'm going to be so disappointed is we catch him/her. But if we do, I'll be sure to post a picture of the critter who's so far, outsmarted us!

1 comment:

  1. Gimme an S!
    Gimme an O!
    Gimme a B!...

    Still rooting for the little guy!
