Tuesday, June 26, 2007

SOB - 3, Elmer Fudd - 0

For this post, EF (Elmer Fudd) will refer to my wonderful husband and SOB (that seems to be EF's name for him) will reference the raccoon.

EF steps out the back door. Gone for just a few moments then back inside.

EF: OK, that SOB is going on my wall when I catch him.
Me: No he's not!
EF: Oh yes he is!
Me What did he do today?
EF: That SOB took the whole can of cat food out of the trap and ate it.
What? I step outside with EF. Inside the trap, I see the lid to the cat food.
Me: Why did you leave the lid to the cat food in the trap?
EF: I thought the more stuff I left inside, the more he'd have to play with and he'd stay long enough to trip the trap but the SOB reached over the pan (that's the BIG flat thing the SOB is supposed to step on to trip the trigger on the trap) and grabbed the can and ate all the food. And he IS going on the wall when I catch him!

Hmmmmm. That SOB is even smarter than I gave him credit for.

SOB - 3, EF - 0


  1. It' going to be a real disappointment if/when he finally catches that racoon. I think YOU need to check even earlier each morning to make sure he doesn't.

  2. As if my "bible thumping" co-workers didn't think I was 'outcast' enough, now I sit in my cubicle, laughing out loud, all by myself. They glare, and they wonder what evil I'm up to.

  3. Lala, if only they knew you were laughing about someone trying to kill one of God's creatures. tsk tsk.
