Sunday, September 14, 2008

Is It Wrong For Me To Blog About My Sister's Wedding Before She Does???

She's on her way home on the plane and um, well, I took all these pictures off my camera, and um, I just thought I should share...

Tim, Jake and Heather

Our three beautiful girls. Lisa, Sarah, and Jacki...
The dreaded "Martha Stewart Pom Poms"...

This is David's brother Steve. He's a stand up comedian in Boston and he performed the ceremony.

I have to say, I've never been to a wedding quite like this. They didn't have the "traditional" ceremony. Since they're both "older" and they've both been married before, Steve thought it only wise to not make them promise anything - instead, they had vows where they had to say "I'll try".

Such as:

"David, will you try to remember not to use the kitchen table as a dirty sock hamper?'

David - "I'll try."

"Kate, will you try to remember that just because there's checks left in the checkbook, that it doesn't mean you have unlimited funds ?"

"I'll try"

And then there was something about musicals and Westside Story being "the bomb" over The Sound of Music, where Kate refused to even "try" but instead said she'd "give it some thought." (although that did NOT sound sincere)

It was very funny.

And I loved Steve's shirt, made me feel young again...

David's family is Jewish. But instead of the traditional "stomping of the glass", Steve thought since were were in IDEEHO, and in a barn, it was much more fitting to have the "stomping of the Bud Lite can".

The happy family. You can tell Anna is glad to have David as a permanent part of her life.

The cake...

Kate and her college friends - those girls are WILD when they get together! The girls in our family...

We all love David and we're glad to have him as the newest addition to our family. And thanks David, for making my sister so happy...


  1. It was a beautiful, fun, sweet wedding with the bride and groom so happy ! Anna was delighted to have "Davie" as her own now and we are all so happy for them. We feel that their meeting was fate and their happiness and love will be everlasting.
    Thank you Jodi, Heather and Jacki for all your planning and labors of love. !

  2. Aaawww, those are great pictures!! I can't wait to see the rest. Man, I love living in the digital age! : )

    It WAS a fun wedding, wasn't it? And you guys did all the work! You were such a huge help. We can't thank you enough!

    Love you!!

  3. That picture of Kate laughing at the end is PERFECT!

  4. Isn't that just KATE! I loved that picture!
