Thursday, September 11, 2008

We Should Never Forget...

Good will forever prevail over evil...


  1. Uuugghh. It doesn't matter how many times I see those photos, they still make me sick...

  2. Hi Kate, i just came across your blog. i was kind of randomly reading them and when i read yours, it kinda struck a weird feeling; especially after the pictures of 9-11.. As a Moslem, I am not proud of what those guys was simply wrong. However whats been done cannot be undone and I hope this becomes a great lesson for us all..

    p.s. I like your blog, its real pretty...

  3. I still have a hard time believing it happened.

  4. I think the government should fess up to the whole mess of what they created. Can you believe the lives they've destroyed. I hope President Bush burns in hell for it!

  5. I'm flying my flag at half mast, and listened to the radio this morning playing tapes of transmission from 9-11. It breaks my heart all over again.

  6. To anynomous regarding the 9/11 events as a conspiracy - only an idiot would believe that the American government, no matter who was President at the time, had knowledge of what was about to happen.

  7. Sadly, I think we are slowly "forgetting" 9/11. We simply cannot do this or we are destined to have it happen again. We must remain forever vigilant.
