Sunday, September 5, 2010

Year 3 in Review...

Every year I review the previous year and some of my favorite posts. In case you missed them, here's the review of my first year, and the second year. It's been a great year!

I found a few pictures of doggy cuts that I thought would be darn cute on our dogs. I really should do this some day.

We learned last fall that our son could be deployed. He's actually leaving in about a week for a year in Iraq. It breaks my heart to think of him having to leave his family, especially since they just had a brand new baby.

I discovered Really, who doesn't love that?

We raised some baby raccoons who turned out to be much smarter than we were. Boy, did they give Elmer a run for his money!

I posted my yearly tribute to the first day of fall. That's coming right up!

I participated in the Artful Bra Project to raise money for breast cancer. That was fun, wish I had time to have done it this year!

Elmer made homemade pepperoni - now that was disgusting.

We raised a squirrel. She gave Elmer a run for his money too!

What we had here was a failure to communicate

We forgot to get the cat fixed. That was the worst two weeks of my life.

We went on a cruise. Nope, I didn't go to the "clothing optional" beach.

We released Lucy. She was a good squirrel.

I remembered how you really know when you are a grama.

We had a cougar in Hidden Springs! What a wonderful thing to see.

I killed my neighbors horse. That was weird.

We had a new granddaughter - Halia. She's a beautiful baby. We're expecting another one in the next few months. The other grandkids are growing up so fast. We're so lucky.

I attended my high school reunion but had to come home early cause I got the beer shits.

We did the Middle Fork Clean Sweep which was great fun!

And we realized a 20 year dream of purchasing 13 acres just up the road!
Now, all of you with blogs - I want to see the last year in review from you!

What a year it's been. And so, there's my life over the last year in a nutshell. Thanks to all of you for sharing the ride. You are indeed, great friends, neighbors, family, and fellow bloggers.


  1. Oh the memories ! Loved your choices and still feel badly about your dishwasher. Gee, I wonder if that's why it won't work anymore.??

  2. Great memories! I love the goats in the tree.

    I need to do this but we'll see. Tonight I just have a stinking migraine.
