Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Second Annual Hillbilly Games...


Last year we held our First Annual Hillbilly Games here at the Hidden Springs Barn. It started out as a small group of friends and family getting together to have some fun and forget about the bad economy but ended up as a much larger party that benefited the Idaho chapter of "Casting for Recovery".

So, I need your help. Last year, the games were held in April and it turned out to be wonderful weather, but I think we were lucky. Should we plan for May or June this year instead? Possibly May 22 or June 19? I need to get the barn reserved by December (oh crap, this IS December!)

Also, do you have a favorite charity you'd like to see the money go to? I prefer to give the money to a small group that really needs help rather than a large national group who has tons of fundraisers. I've found a group that I love called USAtogether.org. It's not local, but it's small and they definitely need help. (Sheri, I know you've helped them out - you're such a good person!) If you could check them out and let me know what you think? I'm a sucker for kids and soldiers. I'd love to hear some suggestions of other worthy groups!

This year, we'll have either live music or at the very least, a DJ. Last year was so spur of the moment. We raised $1,300 but this year I plan to be more organized and make sure we raise tons of money for our charity.

The frozen t-shirt game...

Pin the mustache on sister...

Let's make the 2010 Games bigger and better and really help out a group that needs us! (side note, if you make a suggestion, you WILL be placed on a committee).


  1. YEEEHAAAAWWWW!!! That was so much fun; can't wait for the next one!! I'll try to remain somewhat sober this time. hee!

    I vote for a kid's charity, but don't know which one.

  2. I vote June...only cause my BFF from high school is getting married on May 22 and I wouldnt/couldnt miss her wedding for anyything! :o)

  3. OMG I hope I'm in town for this one! I will not make a suggestion because I have trouble committing to committees ha!

  4. I am madly in love with the cake in that photo. I will now go devour a pound of chocolate.

  5. Yep, the "wedding couple" in the last picture made and brought that wonderful ho-ho cake!
