Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lucy's New Digs...

Lucy is now full grown and while she WANTS to be a real squirrel, she wouldn't survive the winter if we released her.

For the last several weeks, she's been living in one of the big dog kennels with a couple of big branches to climb and a deer horn to chew on. However, it wasn't long before she decided she'd had enough of that and started chewing her way out. So, what started out looking like this

started looking like this...

Elmer decided to use his skills as a carpenter and fix-all guy. However, as good a job as he did (give us a call if you're looking to have any remodeling done, he's real reasonable) she continued to escape. As you can see, duct tape does not fix everything. I still haven't figured out the reason for the empty angel food cake box...

But even seven layers of duct tape, an old chew can, and a 1x4 couldn't keep miss Lucy inside. She's a free spirit and loved having the entire garage as her playground. Running free, jumping from Elmer's hunting coat to the lawnmower, sleeping inside the bucket of rags and climbing the blinds in the windows.

So, until we can release her down by the barn next spring, we had to find something she couldn't chew her way out of. Sorry Lucy, for now, you're stuck with this luxury condo that we'll never use again after you're gone next spring...


  1. Oh, you'll use that when I ship Gracie Bird over to you while we're on the boat!!!

  2. Does Elmer remodel bathrooms? I love that his work is...shall we say...different? I think my bathroom would be the most unique bathroom in Oregon if Elmer remodeled it for me.Oh, and Lucy is cute! Where do you get all these critters??

  3. Linda, no Gracie/Sheri, I'll send him over as long as you promise to keep him for at least two weeks. Of course, that will have to be AFTER goose season is closed.

  4. Lucy needs to come over and snuggle up with my rehabbed Smokey, who is lonesome.

    Love the duct tape shots! More, please, from HS Hillbilly....

  5. So Jill, is Smokey a squirrel too? Pictures? Where can I see pictures?!

  6. Lucy is one spoiled squirrel. In fact, I don't think she's going to want to go "outside"!

    We're buying that silly critter condo from you as soon as you're done with it; Anna already told Rootbeer aaaallll about it! ; )

  7. Glad you made it home safe Kate. It was really great having you guys here!

  8. Awwww! Can't she just run loose in the house? Bubby had a pet squirrel growing up. They even house-trained him! He would sit on your shoulder during dinner and eat little morsels that you fed to him.

    Yes, Lucy looks totally spoiled!
