Thursday, September 10, 2009

You Can't Look At Just One...

Yesterday, my daughter made a post on Facebook about something she saw at Walmart and someone replied with "you need to look at So I did.

This is my new absolute favorite website! Pages and pages of people and oddities at Walmart - and you can only IMAGINE how good that is! I've added it to my favorites. Yes, this is good.

Here's one as a teaser - notice the flashlight for a headlight? And it wasn't even in Idaho.

In fact, I got through page 15 and didn't find a single one from Idaho! We're going to have to get busy. Makes me want to add "Visit every single Walmart in North America" to my bucket list.

So, as you go through your day and need a little chuckle, check out and be very, very thankful that you haven't been posted on this site. Ummmm, I only made it to page 15 so far, maybe I better keep checking...

Oh wait, this could be me. I have this same exact outfit...


  1. OMG I have to try that site. That is too great.
    love the outfit, love the "headlight".

  2. Isn't it awesome?? I'm loving that site too...

  3. Mullets and tattoos and butt cracks, oh my!!

  4. I hate Walmart. I refuse to shop there. I'll have to check out the site.

  5. Well T, look at all you're missing!

  6. OK, it was all pretty scary, but, um, I really do want that Jagwagon. That's the cutest thing I've ever seen!!!

  7. I think my favorite in a creepy sort of way is the gal in the swastika sweatshirt standing next to the black guy...WTH??!!
