Friday, September 11, 2009

Eight Years Ago - Where Were You..

I was at the dentist's office when I heard the first plane had hit the Twin Towers in New York. I remember thinking what an awful problem must have happened to make a pilot hit a building. By the time I got home, the second plane hit and then we all realized it wasn't a mistake at all...

I couldn't turn the tv off and watched for 3 days and nights. I just couldn't believe what had happened...

It was a day we will always remember where we were and what we were doing.

The Pentagon...

God Bless America and those work to keep us safe

Where were you that day? Share your story...


  1. Getting ready for work. I had no idea until my coworker picked me up for the drive into town. I didn't believe her but as we listened to the radio, the second plane hit. We sat at work, glued to the tv, crying.

  2. I remember sitting at home with you watching in total disbelief. I remember when you ran in the door from the dentist office saying, 'turn on the tv right now!' I remembering being out of breath while watching what was happening & wondering what was going to happen. It was a very sad day... a day that I will never ever forget.

  3. Jaci, I can't imagine having to stay at work after knowing what was going on. I remember I wanted all my kids and husband to be with me. I wanted us all to be together in case that wasn't the end of it. Such an awful feeling.

    Jacki, I was glad you were home that day - even though you didn't live there, I was glad you were there at the time.

  4. I was at home with Anna, who was not quite one. Eric called and had heard it on the radio on the way to work. We didn't have TV at the time, so I threw Anna in the car and raced into Pacific City. We went to the Inn, where they had a tv in the exercise room and I just sat there, glued to the tv, for hours. I couldn't believe it; it was so surreal. It still is. None of us will ever forget that day.

  5. I was at home in my kitchen in my robe. It was before anyone was awake. I didn't have any tv or radio stations on and suddenly I just dropped to my knees in the middle of my kitchen and knew something was terribly wrong. A little bit later, my sis-n-law called and told me to turn on the t.v.
    I had some sort of premonition that day. Have not had one since.

  6. I was volunteering that day, had gotten to work before 7AM. Worked a bit , when someone in the building came into the office to tell us. I asked where there was a tv in the building---in the break room--a large room. I ran up the stairs and found the room FULL of people--all crying, men and women.
    Of course as we watched it escalated and became more horrifying. It was too much to accept, too far beyond our imagination.
    Rest in Peace all you Heroes of 9-11-01.
    And God Bless and keep you safe, all safekeepers.

  7. OMG T, that's weird, but fascinating.

    So interesting to hear what you all felt and thought. Something none of us will ever forget.

  8. I was in the car driving my boyfriend to work. It was my day off, Tuesday. At first we thought it was some kind of joke because I think we were listening to 100.3 or 93.1 and neither of those are known for their reliable news. But then as the woman on the radio was talking the 2nd tower was hit and the way she was describing it was so detailed and visceral that, though we were in disbelief, we knew it was true.

    I went back to my parents house where my brother was all over the TV with different news channels and I remember watching over and over and over again the footage of the 2nd plane. The only other time I remember a news event as vivid was Columbine.

  9. I was tutoring Adam. Abbie came in and told me what she just heard on the radio. I sort of dropped the lesson and we got Adam in the car to get him to school. We had the car radio on and were just getting bits and pieces. Adam asked us a few different times if the President was ok. He was very worried something had happened to the President...

  10. Oh my gosh I had forgotten that! I'll have to ask Adam if he remembers that.

  11. At 11 pm the night before I collapsed on my floor from a burst ovarian cyst (blood-filled). When I called into work the next day early the receptionist said everyone was watching TV but didn't know why!! 30 seconds after turning on the TV I watched the second plane hit. I've always wondered about the timing of a cyst bursting when I'd never ever had one before. I think we are all a little bit in tune with the greater collective at different times in our lives. I spent the rest of week on the couch riveted to the TV while I waited for surgery.
