Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Photo 365...

Ok, I don't know if I'm ever going to get to that second anniversary post. Technically, I have until the beginning of August to get it done. My new blogger friend Fancy Schmancy had a comment from The Vegetable Assasin (how could you not love that name!) that she's started a new blog called Photo Pudding. She's asking everyone to carry your camera with you everywhere and take one picture a day and post them on your blog for the next 365 days.

Now how much fun does that sound like???? I mean, who doesn't have a camera? So, I know I won't post every day so what I'm planning on doing is making a weekly post with my 7 pictures for the week on it. What a fun way to chronicle your life for the next year. So, if you have mind to, join us in Photo 365. I'd love to see what you come up with!


  1. Thanks for the shout out! I don't think you'll have any trouble taking and posting your awesome pictures! xoxo

  2. I'm excited to see your first batch! :) I will add your blog to my photo blog, blogroll! (and my Google Reader)

  3. You stole my Fancy!! Now she's YOUR BFF. Hmmpphh. Who needs you, anyway? ;)

    I think this is an awesome idea! Totally going to play!

  4. Ohh...that sounds fun. I once did a project where I had to take a self portrait everyday for a year...now that was challenging!

  5. Michelle, there's NO WAY I could do that! I have tons of pictures, but I'm not in any of them, I hate the way I look in pictures!

  6. Ooooh this sounds like fun! I love to take photos. But I am horrid at keeping up with blogs. But I'd love to do this. But I'm terrible at keeping up...
    I'm so wishy-washy.

  7. Jaci, do like I'm going to do and take pictures for a week, pick out the best 7 and post them all in one post. I'd love to see what you do!
