Friday, July 17, 2009

If He Had Been A Girl..

I'd have a picture of Adam at his first Time Trials (TT) from last night. But he's not, and I don't. I took him out into the desert last night into the 100 degree heat. They leave one at a time, with a minute between them.

I could tell he was nervous, but I was scared to death - but I didn't let HIM know. With it being so hot, what if he got heat stroke? They didn't shut down traffic, and although it was a country road, there were still cars - what if he got hit? What if he fell? The scary thoughts were endless.

I had hid my camera under the seat of the truck, thinking I could somehow sneak a picture of him crossing the finish line. Unfortunately, none of the sagebrush was tall enough for me to hide behind - besides, that would probably have looked a bit goofy don't you think?

I watched as rider after rider returned after the 10 mile ride, their faces as red as could be, sweat dripping off of them. Adam had been the last rider to leave so I knew he'd be the last one back. The more that returned, the more worried I got... What if?????

After about 20 minutes, I see two riders, side by side and recognized Adam's jersey. Relief! He rode past the finish line and over to the truck. No red face, no sweat pouring off of him...

"Why aren't you sweating???? It's over 100 degrees out here!"

He then proceeded to tell me that he had a really good pace going, and was about to pass the leader of the cycling group he's joining. The leader told him to hold back and ride with him the last several miles to the finish line so that he could give him some pointers and tips about riding TTs. Well, Adam is VERY competitive and was not at all happy about having to "hang back" for the rest of the trial. He rode across the finish line with the Byrds leader - he's a wonderful man who is so enthusiastic about young kids getting into cycling.

On our way home I told Adam "I was going to take your picture as you crossed the finish line but I knew you'd kill me. You would have killed me right?"

He didn't say a word. He slowly turned his head toward me and 'gave me the look'.

"That's what I thought."

If he had been a girl he'd have loved that I wanted to take his picture. Humph! So, you know how I hate to post without pictures so here's one of Idaho's very own Olympian, Kristin Armstrong. She regularly attends these TTs but wasn't there last night.

Pretend this is a picture of Adam...


  1. Great job to your son. And I know the feeling on the pictures...

  2. That Adam is something. He is such an athlete----so good at anything he tries. And it seems that it is no effort for him. As a child, rollerblading, skateboarding, skiing, a lot of others sports , and now biking. Wow, what a guy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Way to go, bud!! Screw it... hide a camera next time! :)

  4. I know Fancy, how do we get pictures of our teenage boys? Frustrating!

    Heather, I'm going to have to go get one of those "spy" cameras!

  5. My daughter ALWAYS wants her picture taken. Everywhere!

  6. Yea, girls seem to like that while boys, well, they're just weird...
