Saturday, May 23, 2009


Ok, I shouldn't make fun of something which I know nothing about, but heck, you know me!

I listen to a lot of talk radio when I'm driving, I read several blogs and facebook, and I watch tv. Everybody is talking about Twitter. Now, from what I understand, you're supposed to "Tweet" in 140 charachters or less (or something like that) as often as you can throughout the day to let people know what you're doing. And, you're supposed to find a "flock" of followers - or actaully, they're more like stalkers. Everybody who's anybody is doing it.

Aston Kutcher, Britney Spears, Snoop Dog, Tina Fey, Sarah Palin, and yes, even our President Barak Obama "Twitter". Ok, I have to admit, it might be semi-interesting to see what the Pres has to say during the day, but really, do I care if Brit is "sitn at a rd lit on the crnr of rodeo dr watn 4 it 2 chng"? Do I really care if you've been "sitn at the dr ofice 4 hrs nd I wsh I cld chrg hm 4 makn me L8 4 wrk"?

Then, there's the biggest question - WHAT IF YOU'RE A MIME???? How does a mime twitter? I think it would be something like this -

..., ...!!

So, when the end comes, and it will for all of us, will God ask us "So what have you done with your life?" and our answer will be "O, well, havn't u bn readng my tweets?"


  1. Ha! I'm with you! It's so indicative of our "instant gratification" society. Pretty soon, we're going to stop speaking to each other entirely and will use only computers and i-phones to communicate. Sometimes I miss the days of handwritten letters...

    Boycott Twitter!!

  2. I so agree, and why do people think we care about EVERY. SINGLE. MINUTE. OF THEIR DAY????

  3. That is why I love talking to my kids on the phone. We email, but it isn't the same as telling Kate something outrageous and hearing her whoop with laughter ! Or Jodi being amazed or horrified by something that goes on and adding her wit. Or Linda and her laughter and her crazy (sick) sense of humor. Ya gotta talk !

  4. The mime wins hands down!

    Rolling on the floor...
