Monday, May 25, 2009

Another Elmer Story...

Last night I woke from a sound sleep to an AWFUL smell. As Mr. Krabs says, "It was a smelly smell..."


Our Daisey is a wonderful goldendoodle. We love her. Evidently, she had to go during the night and we wouldn't wake up. She never goes in the house unless she just can't hold it any more. Well, evidently that's what happened last night.

3 am...
"Elmer! I smell dog poop!"

He groggily starts waking up. "What?"

"Dog poop! I think Daisy pooped!"

I jump out of bed and turn on the light. Yep, a big pile.

"OH crap that stinks!"

I run downstairs to get the carpet cleaner and when I return, I hear Elmer in the bathroom - throwing up. But - the dog poop is gone.

Now we all know that Elmer can skin a deer, an antelope, even a skunk and it doesn't bother him in the least. But dog poop - can't get near it.

"I can't believe you picked that up! How did you do it?????" I was so proud of him!

Still half asleep, he mumbles, "I sprayed aftershave in my mustache."

Oh dear God. While the smell of dog poop is horrendous at 3 am, having to smell aftershave right under your nose for the rest of the night somehow has to be worse. Elmer grabbed his pillows and mumbled he was going down to sleep on the couch. After about 5 minutes, the dog poop smell was gone. Somehow, I couldn't quit thinking about him laying down there with that smell of strong aftershave being sucked up his nose for the rest of the night.

I just wonder about the thought process that went into doing that. But then again, who else would have thought to do it?????


  1. OMG-------poor Elmer. (poor Daisy--dogs that are house trained are HUMILIATED when they have an "accident"). Gosh, isn't it fun to have dogs !

  2. Actually, I wouldn't trade her! Just one of the joys...

  3. Oh man, as I was reading this (with Anna) I'm thinking "WHY is she telling Elmer about the dog poop? She knows it makes him barf!" and sure enough...

    That was a resourceful solution, the aftershave. Too bad it didn't work!

  4. You know how it is Kate! You have to share your misery with someone! Elmer was the closest person.

  5. Awww, that was chivalrous of him! Too bad he had to smell aftershave for the rest of his night!

  6. I know Fancy, I think I could have blocked the poop smell better than smelling the aftershave right under my nose for the entire night. Been married 22 years and the sucker still surprises me...
