Saturday, April 4, 2009

Life Is Good!

I'm so excited! My brother Steve, who is a TRUE hillbilly (oh yes, you'll meet him at the Gatherin') has been working his butt off up north to get all of our expenses covered for the party. I hate this picture of me, but it shows Steve's true spirit of what a wonderful and loving person he is when he shaved his head while I went through chemo.

He's a logging truck driver and has been since he graduated from high school. The company he works for, Bruce Baumgartner Logging, has donated enough money to cover the cost of the pig. He also hit up Zepos in Pullman, WA (a sports bar/bowling alley/gambling establishment) for a donation which will help cover the beer and wine costs.

He's also working with an old friend from Horseshoe Bend who used to be with the group "Jerusalim Sweetwater" - trying to see if they have that weekend open to donate their time and come and play. They sing wonderful songs like Hoyt Axton's "Boney Fingers" - you can hear it here and "The Rodeo Song" by David Allen Coe.

So, things are coming along better than I ever expected for a "First Annual" event. And just to let you all know, we had planned on donating proceeds to the Komen Race, but I found out a few weeks ago, that another charity I work with, "Casting for Recovery" doesn't have the money they need to put on their retreat this year in Idaho - so all money will go to them. You can read about them here. I was lucky enough to have attended their first retreat in Idaho and it was the best experience I could have had as a survivor. Hope to see you all there on April 25th at the Hidden Springs Barn - and feel free to invite friends!


  1. Yay Steve!!! I tell ya, that guy has a pure heart of gold.

    That picture of those two guys? CREEPS ME OUT. Whaddya figure their combined IQ is?

  2. IQ ? same as the # of inches between each guy's eyes. Yeah, their pic creeps me out too. Jodi, can't you find a picture of some woman, or someone a little brighter than them ! ! ! !

    Horayyyyyyyyyyy for Steve----when he gets into a project or just hears of anyone needing help ----he jumps right in and gives his whole heart and energy. What a guy !

  3. OK, I listened to the 2nd one----"WARNING!" WASN'T ANYWHERE NEARLY STRONG ENOUGH. ! ! ! !
    My ears are bleeding !

  4. Oh mom - I've heard you say that word plenty of times!

  5. Ok, I just listened to those songs and I literally sprayed cheerios on the monitor during that second one. We HAVE to get them to play the party.

    I'm going out in search of a dress and shoes right now. YEEEHAAAWWW!!

  6. Oh yea, they play ALL the classics! Even if they can't come, we'll get that song and I'm going to make sure we have the words printed for everyone so that we can ALL sing along!

  7. How many glasses of White Zinfandel will it take to get mom to sing along?

  8. THAT WORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THAT word ??????

    You mean all those words and, yes, I've heard those words, mostly in medical journals----but never in a song that-----gasp----we're supposed to ---"sing along "!!!!!

    There's not enough booze in the state to get me to sing that song!

  9. Yep, this is gonna be a cool party. I just HOPE like hell I get to be there for it. But if I'm at the hospital with Lisa, well, that would be pretty cool too.

  10. Mom'll sing. She's a party animal.

  11. Hey! Enough comments about my two brothers. I think they are kind of cute.

  12. So T, are they twins? I just can't tell...

    Hey, I see you joined the Riot Squad. Do you want a ride down to the race?

  13. How cool! Your brother must be an awesome brother!!

    Wow... You must know I *love* Hoyt Axton music. And David Allen Coe.

    Work your fingers to the bone/whaddaya git?

    Boney Fingers!!

    I'll be humming that all night now...
