Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Knock, Knock...

Yesterday evening I heard an odd tapping on my front window. I thought the boys were playing a prank and went to investigate. No one there. I went back into the living room where, a few minutes later, I heard it again. I tiptoed to peek around the corner and this is what I saw...

It's obviously breeding season and he saw his reflection in the window. Silly bird. I guess he finally got a headache and moved on to find a less painful rival.


  1. Poor dumb Robin ! At least he has an excellant eye for beauty---he found a very handsome bird. ------HOWEVER, he is courting a male. !

  2. Maybe he was just getting your attention and saying..."LOOK! It's a gorgeous day outside. Go out and play!"

  3. Oh, my gosh that's so cute! I'm so glad you share that stuff. And good job on the photo!

  4. Ha! That's funny! That happens here at the office every spring; we have reflective coating on the glass and every year, the same dumb robin comes and tries to kick the shit out of his own reflection.
