Monday, March 9, 2009

Just a Reminder...

I'd love to have you join The Riot Squad for The Race for the Cure! Click on the link on the right of my Blog page and sign up from there! If you can't walk/run with us but would like to help our team raise money, you can follow that link and make a donation under our team name. I appreciate those of you who've signed up for this great cause and I look forward to walking with you!


  1. I signed up, tho I won't be walking. But I will be there to cheer you on ! Go Riot Squad.

  2. I came on to comment on your last post and it's gone! I thought that was an honest and thought provoking post and I am sorry you felt you had to remove it. Don't beat yourself up over's not like you knew you were going to be speaking and believe me, even if your wonderful Dad was still here you would still be defending him to some! Oh well, I'll wish you luck on your not smoking instead!
