Wednesday, February 25, 2009

She's A Beaut...

As you all know, we're having the first annual Hillbilly Games on April 25th - I hope you've all marked your calendars! Elmer has a friend who for years, did catering and kind of specialized in huge gatherings and often cooked whole pigs. So, naturally, he had a HUGE BBQ that he built about 35 years ago to accomodate these large gatherings. The other day, we were working on details for the Gathering and thought, heck, let's call Krupper and see what he'd charge to do a whole pig for us! I mean really, can you think of ANYTHING more proper than to cook a whole pig for the Gathering? That's what I thought...

Well, sadly, it turned out Krupper was retired from pig catering. "BUT", he told Elmer, "If you can find 5 guys to help you move it, I'll give you that BBQ." Needless to say, Elmer thought he'd died and gone to hog heaven (sorry). A big-ass BBQ FOR FREE!

Elmer found 5 friends (and yes, it took 6 of them to load it) and they put it on a trailer that his goose hunting buddy Pat has. Pat and Debbie are dear friends. So much like us. The guys hunt geese together EVERY weekend from October until it closes in January.

Anyway, she was a little rough when the guys brought her home. She'd been sitting outside for several years with no use. Lots of rust and definately in need of some TLC.

So she got some shiny new wheels and was winched off the trailer...

where she got a new coat of protective stove paint. She's so pretty now that we don't dare leave her outside. So, she has a spot in our overly-crowded garage, that I've NEVER, even one day, actually been able to park in due to all the wonderful things we seem to find. So what do ya think!

We're definately going to have to give her a name - your thoughts? If we don't come up with something, maybe we'll do a contest at the Gathering...


  1. Oh my god. You and Elmer really are soul mates. It's scary.

    She is lovely, though. My vote: BERTHA.

    PS. There WILL be tofu at the gathering too, right?

  2. Well, we were going to cook bacon special for you, but if you'd rather have that nasty tofu stuff, then...

    you'll have to bring your own. Now that stuff is NASTY!

  3. OMG KATE... that was EXACTLY the name that I thought too! LOL! Bertha!!!

    Mom... I'm still sticken to my guns. When you & Ival croak we're gonna cremate ya in that thing.

  4. Oooh, bacon. Yes please! :) I do looove me some bacon.

    Jacki, that cremation idea is brilliant!! Talk about multi-purpose. I like it.

  5. Well aren't you two just funny!

  6. Well,lucky you ! I get put in a chicken coop by one kid, or sent down a river with no paddles, by another kid-------and you get cremated in a BBQ with the name BERTHA. Big Bertha.


  7. Mom, there'll be plenty of room in there for you too!

  8. Yes, we're going to have her name painted on her - maybe have Steve do it when he comes for the Gathering. I like Big Bertha too. But, what do you think of Hill"Billy Jean"? I was just thinkin' - she's hillbilly and black...

    Oh, and Kate, what happened to the goat profile picture???

  9. The goat is only on FB but I'm going to change my profile on my blog too. I'm so sick of snow and winter that I can't stand this picture anymore!

  10. how does one retire from pig cookin? even though hes retired from his catering business (or whatever), he still wont cook us a pig!? how sad. but i guess elmer is second best at cookin unusual things so...yaaaaaaay!

  11. She's a beaut alright. I would love to see what the HS CC&R police would have to say about that parked in your front yard!

    All you need to complete it would be to "have you some manly man go out and shoot you some wild pig like them does down south!"

    I love tofu. Don't be dissin' the tofu!

  12. I'm missing the point here someplace. First I thought, Jodi, that you were going to paint my name on me-------Now I don't get "Hillbilly Jean" cuz she's hillbilly and black ? ? ? ? ? ?

    H U H ?

  13. this is just all too good. I LOVE the cremation idea!

  14. OMG! All you need is the pig! She's bee-yoo-ti-ful. Hey, maybe if I send this link to my husband, he will realize that he & Elmer are long-lost soul mates and he'll come with me in April??? It's worth a try.

    I'm already salivating...

  15. Mom, why would we paint a name on you! You see, Michael Jackson did a song long ago called "Billy Jean". I just thought that "Hillbilly Jean" was clever. evidently, I'm the only one. Didn't ANYONE else get that????

    Tallulah, could you form a little tofu pig for you and Kate. I still say that stuff is NASTY!

    Jaci, if you can get hubby to come, we'll put him to work with Elmer and my brother Steve cooking the pig. Now how fun would that be! It's going to take 2 days to cook.
